Supermarket Trolleys, Rocky III, You Need One Story

👋 Hey there, Mike here.

I hope you had a great weekend. I went to Gulliver's World Theme Park with my kids and had a hellfire kebab box (without them)!

Enjoy 1 short story, 2 incredible examples, 1 great video.

Before we begin... I want to draw your attention to:

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1 short story that makes you think.

Supermarket trolleys. I went shopping with my wife the other week. I pushed the trolley and scanned the items into bags while my wife went from aisle to aisle like a ninja, getting exactly what we needed.

There was another family with both their teenage children there. The wife was angry with the husband for always walking off with the trolley. He would wander off and go looking at something that caught his eye.

"You do that, too!" - my wife said.

It got me thinking: why do I and the other man I've never met do that? Are we just inept and not very good at being where we need to be?

Or, is it clever product placement from the supermarket? At the end of the fruit and veg aisle were advertisements for summer BBQs. It distracted me, and I couldn't keep up.

The supermarkets know what they're doing.

How can you capture your audience's attention like them?

2 examples of incredible content.

1/ A {potential} Dove advert.

I saw this meme on Facebook and turned it into content advertising Dove. Dove's messaging is "With its patented blend of mild cleansers and ¼ moisturising cream, Dove's iconic Beauty Bar rinses cleaner than soap, leaving skin clean, soft, and smooth."

What's more eye-catching than the iconic Rocky III face-off? Introducing a hand touching Mr T's face completely changes the messaging and would work great as an advert.

2/ One of these is not like the other.

This was a great piece of content marketing from exploding kittens selling "hand-to-hand wombat". I like it because it made me click to find out which one is the odd one out - and I was presented with a nice little comic and a prompt to buy.

1 great video I know you’ll enjoy.

I watched this video on a Twitter thread and found it on YouTube. Ed is from Film Booth but also runs Creator Booth. He's great.

I enjoyed it because it focuses on making one great video to document your journey. You don't need to film every step of the way (film it - but use bits as a b-roll).

Save the actual story for a storytelling video and make it engaging by following an arc of excitement.

video preview

That's all for this week. If you enjoyed today's issue, please reply and let me know your favourite part.

See you next Monday - Mike.

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Mike's Newsletter

1 short story that makes you think. 2 examples of incredible content. 1 great video I know you’ll enjoy.

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