Stand up and pee, Raise your hand, Social Media Strategy

πŸ‘‹ Hey there, Mike here.

I hope you had a fantastic weekend. My wife and I had a date night 🀯 we went for an amazing Korean BBQ and ate way too much food.

Enjoy 1 short story, 2 incredible examples, 1 great video.

Before we begin... I want to draw your attention to:

You spend hours creating quality content, but people can’t find it easily. Create a binge bank and watch engagement skyrocket πŸ“ˆ

1 short story that makes you think.

Stand up and pee. We recently flew back home from Greece. I have two boys, four years old and two years old. The four-year-old needed the toilet but only wanted mummy.

But, being a busy airport, all the cubicles in the ladies were full, and there was a big queue. What did Zach do? Nipped into the gents with me and did a "stand-up pee".

He used his unfair advantage (he can get away with being in both toilets) and the very fortunate advantage males have over females - being able to stand up and pee.

Think: What's your unfair advantage that you can use to take your content to the next level?

2 examples of incredible content.

1/ Get in front of your competitors

Where's the best place to advertise a taxi service? While people are fed up waiting for a bus.

2/ Lego on Spotify

Do you know Lego has playlists on Spotify? With 5k monthly listeners, it serves a dual purpose: brand awareness on Spotify and a little bit of passive income. Lego white noise is brilliant.

1 great video I know you’ll enjoy.

I love this video. It makes you think about why you're doing what you're doing.

video preview​


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Mike's Newsletter

1 short story that makes you think. 2 examples of incredible content. 1 great video I know you’ll enjoy.

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