It's so hard, landing pages, mental health

👋 Hey there, Mike here.

I hope you had a fantastic weekend. I didn't do much this weekend - I just hung out with Zach and chatted about how his first week at school went.

Enjoy 1 short story, 2 incredible examples, 1 great video.

Before we begin... I want to draw your attention to:

Your Ultimate Twitter Growth and Monetization Solution

1 short story that makes you think.

It's so hard. It's what I thought the first time I did a class at the new boutique fitness gym that opened near me. Less than 5 minutes walk away and fully guided group sessions - I have no excuse not to go. It has community, friendships, camaraderie, and more.

That hit of dopamine after exercise tops everything off.

But it's so hard. Whenever I take a break (a holiday or an injury because I'm old), I go back to that feeling—that it's so hard. The more regularly I go, the easier it gets. The more reps I do, the easier it is the next time I go. I'm slowly getting results and positive comments from people who see me.

Have you lost weight? You're looking good.

It's the same feeling when starting something new, like this newsletter. It feels hard, but as I sit here writing the fifth issue, it's feeling a little easier.

Think: have you given up on something because you didn't see traction immediately? What stopped you from pushing through until you started to see an impact?

2 examples of incredible content.

1/ Elements of a good landing page layout

This article from Harry Dry about landing page layouts is gold. The dotted line represents the "fold" and what information should be above it.

2/ Head to the light

I love the simplicity of this piece of content. It shows that you don't need a lot of words in your ads to make an impact.

1 great video I know you’ll enjoy.

Today, I'm sharing this video from Nate Black. It's about mental health struggles when creating content and how to overcome them. I hope it helps you if you're ever feeling down. It's certainly helped me in the past.

video preview

That's all for today. If you enjoyed today's issue, please reply and let me know your favourite part.

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Mike's Newsletter

1 short story that makes you think. 2 examples of incredible content. 1 great video I know you’ll enjoy.

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