Chopsticks, DeskHub, Winning Ideas

👋 Hey there, Mike here.

I hope you had another great weekend. I'm back from my holiday to Greece. My little boy starts school on Tuesday. Time does fly by, and I'm feeling a bit emotional this weekend.

Enjoy 1 short story, 2 incredible examples, 1 great video.

Before we begin... I want to draw your attention to:

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1 short story that makes you think.

Chopsticks. I've always struggled to use them. My wife is Chinese, so I end up in situations where I need to use them more than most.

I was recently in a ramen restaurant in the centre of Chinatown, and the waitress offered me a fork. The table beside me smirked, but I declined the offer and used the chopsticks anyway.

While slurping my noodles and making a mess of my t-shirt, I wondered why chopsticks are used so much.

So, I went down a rabbit hole. Then, I started to form connections between chopsticks and content creation.

  • Precision: Chopsticks need careful control to pick up food, and content creation requires attention to detail to craft clear copy.
  • Balance: Chopsticks work best when both sticks are balanced, just like content creation needs a good mix of text and visuals.

2 examples of incredible content.

1/ DeskHub's Product Hunt launch content

What I enjoyed about this piece of content was how it all tied together. Max did things like:

  • Built the whole physical product in public
  • Got the backing of some big names in the space.
  • Live-streamed the video above for 17 hours.
  • Hosted a Twitter space talking about it.
  • He was active all day in the comments on Product Hunt.

To prepare himself, Max made a pre-launch tweet to ask for advice:

Guess what? It was the #1 product of the day. Well done, Max. Research and homework pay off.

2/ Retrain as a Swan

I bet this advert A) caught your attention and B) you visited the website. Imagine how many people took a photo of this and shared it with friends—a great piece of content.

1 great video I know you’ll enjoy.

I struggled this week because I wanted to share two excellent videos. I went with the one below.

video preview

It's an incredible video of how Greg uses Reddit and AI to find winning ideas.

The other video? I'll share it in next week's issue.

That's all for this week. If you enjoyed today's issue, please reply and let me know your favourite part.

See you next Monday - Mike.

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Mike's Newsletter

1 short story that makes you think. 2 examples of incredible content. 1 great video I know you’ll enjoy.

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